
Friday, November 19, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

This weekend, marks opening weekend at our favorite resort - Northstar at Tahoe. There's a big winter storm moving though predicting a 20:1 snow to rain ratio. (Meaning for every inch of rain that falls, 20 inches of snow will fall.) Needless to say, I am super stoked!

If you know me well enough, you are probably familiar with my tragic snowboarding accident last year, which ended my season in early March. Well now, dear Blogland, I am ready to hop back on my board (with a helmet on my head) and start tearing up the mountain!

Me posing on one of my first successful snowboarding days.

Then, Saturday night, is the moment I've been waiting for for much too long (and it was just released at midnight last night)... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1!! We're seeing it in IMAX and it will be glorious. Seriously, it looks so good, and so as not to ruin the suspense for myself, I am actually not checking Facebook again until after I see it.

I mean, how awesome is this poster?

It's going to be an awesome weekend.


  1. You and HP7 are adorable! I love you & please be safe boarding it up this year :) xoxo

  2. Thanks for the poster. We put it up in the wall of our home theater room. Waiting for the DVD now...
